You must be born again – John 3:7




1683 Mars Hill Rd, Sutersville, PA 15083

The Church of Sutersville

Card and Gift Basket Ministry

Pat Honick is in need of small baskets, any toiletries from the hotels, and other sample-sized items. She also will accept new or used christmas cards (only religious themed ones, please.) She hand-writes inspirational messages on the back of the face of the card (like a post card), both in english and in the native language of the land that she’s sending them to.

She visits sick and elderly in the hospitals and nursing homes and delivers the little gift baskets to them and Prays with them, which really ministers to them.

Without donations, Pat cannot do these ministries. She says Thanks to all that gave last year to her for their support! The baskets go to the sick ones; put together with inspirational things, miracle prayer and lots of love.