You must be born again – John 3:7


For those of you who tithe by check and do not have your address on the check: We need your mailing address so we can send you the 2024 tithe donation statement for your records as well as the preferred name that you want it addressed to. Please email [email protected] or see Jaison and Kelly Marshal in person.




1683 Mars Hill Rd, Sutersville, PA 15083

The Church of Sutersville

Vacation Bible School

This year’s VBS is now past. Come back again next spring to see what the new theme will be! Our VBS Week is at the end of June. If you participated this year, Thank You for coming and we hope to have you and your child back again next year!

Here are some pictures from VBS 2024 – “CREATION: GOD’S GLORY”; we all had a BLAST! If you participated, Thank You for coming and we hope to have you and your child back again for the next one!